UK bloG 4
Just touched down in London Town! Actually we did a few days ago, but I just really wanted to lead with that. London has been very different from the rest of the UK. Rightfully so, but I has been interesting to end our trip here. Frankly, I could not imagine coming to London first before going to Edinburgh. They are two very different cities. London reminds me more of the US than any other city when we have been: which was expected. But frankly, London reminded me greatly of Washington D.C. It was almost eerie at times how much it reminded me of D.C. From the central parks, to federal districts, historical landmarks, and so much more. Both cities pride themselves on being clean and open - something a Nation’s Capital should be. Frankly, London has been cool: but Edinburgh was spectacular. However, London has offered a lot that Scotland as whole, could not. I have enjoyed the very urban areas with much to do. All of the luxury shopping was also a huge plus. I have always wanted to go to London, so I am very thankful to knock that off the ole Bucket List. I am excited to explore London for a few more days. My favorite part of being here is actually spending the night in the hotel dinking with the ole faculty members and dirty deltas!