UK Blog 2

Lake Windermere is the Branson, Missouri of England. You think I am kidding? It is a lake town based that is sustained by tourism. It features shopping and dining activities on the water. The town is essentially all on one road. Aged population with very few young individuals. Historic hotels. Windy roads to make it into town. Switch out the clubs for the Baldknobbers and they are the exact same place! But I use this analogy to make a point. Based upon what we’ve learned about UK agriculture thus far, they really aren’t that much different than us. I discussed this in my last blog post, but I wanted to write about it further. The UK and US are same trailers, different park. The second we arrived I thought, “Wow, I think we’re in Branson.” The fact that a city so far away from Missouri reminds me of it is fascinating. I think it also speaks on this anonymous demographic that chooses to take boat tours on their own volition. Who are those people? I am not sure, but I home to see them, and the Lochness Monster, someday.

I would also like to note that our time in Windermere taught me something else. I guess some feel it is a sin to tell a stranger you love them. I never thought that spreading love would be frowned upon, regardless of the avenue. Am I a bit weird, yes. But is it also slightly asinine to punish someone for wanting to genuinely make a stranger’s day? Yes, yes it is. People will never fully understand me, but I am not going to apologize for trying to make the world a better place.


UK BlOg 3
