Professional Vision
If I am being honest, it is very tough for me to put a professional vision into words. I will always spew out the constitutional litigation career - which I do plan to achieve, don’t get me wrong. But I have enough self awareness to understand that I won’t be in a similar job/career for my entire life. Both for my inability to stay fascinated in the same topic for extended periods of time - and because I am a man who wants his hands in a lot of fires. I made my plan for 5 and 10 years, but I know those are subject to so much change. Honestly, it feels like I need to be in college the rest of my life to prepare for all of the things I want to accomplish. I have focus, but I recognize my situation is very different from most of my peers. I have always wondered why it is I feel such a need to accomplish so many things and leave an impact - regardless, I hope I can at least accomplish something with my life. My professional life is important to me, but I most look forward to having a family and impacting the world on that front. One of Kant’s arguments was about improvement as a way of changing the world. The only thing you have physical control over is yourself - and that is the only way to guarantee you are actually impacting the world around you. I hope to improve myself through all of my endeavors so that one day, I can pass it all along to my children. Isn’t the essential idea behind leadership creating more leaders? I hope to complete that cycle.