Cheers To Olives

Today Mr. David Olive came and spoke to the class. I was able to meet Mr. OIive this summer after he came and spoke to our intern class. I will always remember how intentional and caring he was as he spoke. He wanted us to engage and be a part of the talk - instead of just talking at us. When we had the opportunity to bring someone in the government/politics sector - he was the perfect fit. I really wish he could have attended in person as he can work the room and connect, but Zoom is a fine alternative. I really enjoyed the content he presented as his stories are always interesting. I love his little message about writing your own obituary. It seems like something I would suggest. When I grow up, I want to be like Mr. Olive. He is a very accomplished person, but I love his brand. Everyone in DC knows who he is and loves him. He is far too nice to be a lobbyist.




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